Thursday, December 20, 2012
ProgressOh! Contest
How would you like to win the following:
Round-trip airfare for you and a guest to Los Angeles, California
4 day/ 3 night hotel accommodations
A head-to-toe makeover, including hair, makeup and a blue dress to get you ready for your own ProgressOh! moment in Hollywood
Two tickets to this season's live finale of The Biggest Loser
$2,000 spending money
Well the good folks at Progresso have a contest to win the above. Go here to enter.
I know I would be super excited just for the makeover. I definitely need one!!
Progresso has some new yummy low calorie soups out. Some of the new ones include:
Light Beef Pot Roast
Light Chicken & Dumpling
Light Creamy Potato with Bacon Cheese
Light New England Clam Chowder
Light Zesty Southwestern-Style Vegetable
Light Chicken Pot Pie Style
and many more...........
The good folks at Progresso and My Blog Spark provided me with a lovely gift pack. My thoughts on the products and both companies are my own. Thanks for reading!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Ebates has online rebates and coupons for over 1,200 stores! This is one of those stores that you go through their link to whatever shopping site you choose and then you get cash back on your purchase. They also have coupon codes available on their site to help you spend less. They also offer specials where they double the cash back for certain stores.
They are free to join and they generally have a sign up bonus of $5 to $10 when you sign up. Go here for details.
They are free to join and they generally have a sign up bonus of $5 to $10 when you sign up. Go here for details.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Gift Card Rescue
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Win an Amazon Kindle Fire!!
You can go here to enter to win a Kindle Fire. I want one of these so bad! This is not sponsored by me in any way, shape or form I am just reposting.
Friday, April 27, 2012
A's and B's = Bad Student Apparently
I took my last final exam and I got a 100% on it!!! So so far since I started college I have gotten all A's and B's. Which is why I am beyond upset that they are holding a class against me from almost 15 years ago that I had been told would not count because I was not a degree seeking student (they did not have my transcripts and was considered a non degree seeking student). I went to that class 2 times and discovered it so was not what I signed up for (it was a computer programing class and NOT a how to use computers class like I had been told). Thanks to the misinformation (as in told that class would not count and that class was a how to class) I have not been eligible for Pell grants and Student loans because of GPA and completion ratio. Completely sucks that I am being treated like I am a poor student (as in grades) when clearly this is NOT the case.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Looks very different this is the new blogger or at least the new way it looks when you are composing your post.
Anyhoo....I have been watching so much tv or I should say Roku it isn't even funny. I finished last week all of my assignments and tests (aside from 1 test which is not open yet) so I have had this week off. I would love to say I accomplished a whole bunch of stuff but alas I have not. I have been super duper lazy and have pretty much just watched loads of movies and am trying to get somewhat caught up on House.
I have watched some interesting movies lately on Netflix (I am canceling after my 1 month is up - which I had to pay for since I had Netflix before- figured once school starts up again I won't have anytime to watch so why pay for it??).
Here is some of the movies I have watched lately:
In My Sleep -pretty good if you can get past the ridiculous shirtless moments - do guys really think girls like that look? ick
The Shrine -somewhat scary not bad
Inside Out - just finished watching this and it was quite good
The Clinic - not a bad thriller
High Lane - I hate dubbed over voices so it was hard to watch - also they didn't really need to turn it into a slasher film it would have been good if they had left it as a climbing trip gone wrong
Carrie 2002 version - not bad for a remake
Animal Farm - I watched this with my son and we both enjoyed it. Obviously, my son didn't exactly understand it but one day he will.
The Passion of the Christ - talk about a massive tear jerker - even if you are not religious this is a gut wrenching movie
Last of the living - was o.k. I suppose
The Joneses - interesting concept
Walk Like a Man - hadn't seen this since I was 14 and even today I think this movie had some really funny parts. My son liked it too.
Gone - pretty decent thriller
Sadly, I have watched all of these in less than 2 weeks. Like I said I have been super lazy. It is nice to not have loads of papers to write for school. So nice.
I don't see an option for spell check on here and well, I took my medicine to sleep so you will have to deal with any bad spelling mistakes.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
College, Seitan and Zombies Oh My!
I have been super busy with college, being a mom and all sorts of things the last 8 months. So far I have made all A's and B's in school. Unfortunately, I have gotten turned down for every single scholarship and grant I have applied for. We have been living off of one semester's worth of student loans/Pell grant which was for part time so not the max and we have been using them for my school fees, books, our rent etc. Also using tax returns from the last 3 years that I saved etc.(so, no I did not get that much $ for last semester - in case you are wondering).Still getting screwed over because of a class I took over 14 years ago which because of misinformation that the school had given me (that since I was not a degree seeking student that it would not count - they did not inform me that if I changed into a degree seeking student it would) I did not "officially" withdraw from it and that left me with an F which is haunting me now. So I haven't been able to obtain any more student loans etc. for this current semester and summer semesters are no longer eligible for them (thanks government!!).
Today has been one of those days. I tried making homemade seitan and it turned out like bread. :( So my place got about 15 degrees hotter for nothing.
I also attempted to use this Veet device which is similar to an epilady (remember those?) and now my legs are covered with tiny red dots. So not attractive. Not too mention it did not feel too nice. Also I still need to shave since it did not remove all of the hair.
I did just finish watching a really good zombie movie called Rammbock which I believe is a German movie. If you like zombie movies and do not mind subtitles you should definitely check it out.
I ended up getting Hulu Plus since with my Roku it gives you a free month. Wow, I have to say I think Hulu sucks. I will stick with Amazon Prime. I did decide to pay for a month of Netflix since I am finished with one of my classes and only have a test to take in another (in about 2 weeks). So I actually for once have some free time and then will have close to 2 weeks off before next semester. So I figured it would be worth paying for one month. Will cancel or put on hold when next semester starts though.
Was really hoping to get some sort of grant or scholarship to use for this coming semester. I have no clue how well school will work out with my son being home with me 24/7 since I will not be able to pay for daycare. It has been hard this semester with him only going 15 hours a week. This coming semester will be harder classes (could not for the life of me find any easy ones to take).
I am very happy that I had been stockpiling items for the last few years. It has definitely helped and I have not had to buy too many items for us. Of course that doesn't help with rent, electric, storage, car ins and gas, etc. though. I need to win the lotto. If only!!
Today has been one of those days. I tried making homemade seitan and it turned out like bread. :( So my place got about 15 degrees hotter for nothing.
I also attempted to use this Veet device which is similar to an epilady (remember those?) and now my legs are covered with tiny red dots. So not attractive. Not too mention it did not feel too nice. Also I still need to shave since it did not remove all of the hair.
I did just finish watching a really good zombie movie called Rammbock which I believe is a German movie. If you like zombie movies and do not mind subtitles you should definitely check it out.
I ended up getting Hulu Plus since with my Roku it gives you a free month. Wow, I have to say I think Hulu sucks. I will stick with Amazon Prime. I did decide to pay for a month of Netflix since I am finished with one of my classes and only have a test to take in another (in about 2 weeks). So I actually for once have some free time and then will have close to 2 weeks off before next semester. So I figured it would be worth paying for one month. Will cancel or put on hold when next semester starts though.
Was really hoping to get some sort of grant or scholarship to use for this coming semester. I have no clue how well school will work out with my son being home with me 24/7 since I will not be able to pay for daycare. It has been hard this semester with him only going 15 hours a week. This coming semester will be harder classes (could not for the life of me find any easy ones to take).
I am very happy that I had been stockpiling items for the last few years. It has definitely helped and I have not had to buy too many items for us. Of course that doesn't help with rent, electric, storage, car ins and gas, etc. though. I need to win the lotto. If only!!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Ebates has online rebates and coupons for over 1,200 stores! This is one of those stores that you go through their link to whatever shopping site you choose and then you get cash back on your purchase. They also have coupon codes available on their site to help you spend less. They also offer specials where they double the cash back for certain stores.
They are free to join and they generally have a sign up bonus of $5 to $10 when you sign up. Go here for details.
They are free to join and they generally have a sign up bonus of $5 to $10 when you sign up. Go here for details.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Gift Card Rescue
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Beyond Irked
O.k. my son is in what they call VPK. It is either a state wide or county wide program for all kids who are or will be close to 5 before school starts (can't remember what month the child has to be 5 by or whatever). The parents choose whether they want it either school year or just for the summer. It is free for anyone (no matter how much or how little you make- it is for every child who will be starting kindergarten). Basically, I guess children were going to kindergarten and not knowing anything (ABC's etc.) so this is supposed to help them. It is 3 hours a day which equals 15 hours a week minus any holidays etc. I think for the school year it equals 550 hours or something. Parents can choose only 1 (school year or summer). Of course your child can be in the class longer than that if you want to pay and if there is of course availability depending on what daycare etc. you chose.
I just wanted to explain all of that first before getting into what I am irked about.
My son does the 15 hours and then I sometimes but not always pay for extra hours. Trying to not spend any unnecessary money since we are living off student loans (I went back to college because of the crappy job market here).
His class consists of 20 kids and about 85% to 90% of them are VPK. VPK hours are from 8:30 to 11:30am. At least half of the kids leave at 11:30am every day in his class.
Every holiday there is a sign up sheet for parents to bring in snacks/food for the party. There is no time (when the party starts just the date/day of the party) listed on the sign up sheet and again the majority of the kids leave early. School closes at 6pm but she wants most kids gone way before that. The sign up sheet lists that there are 20 kids (so make sure that there is enough food/snacks for 20 said kids).
Since my son has been in VPK anytime there is a party I always buy various items for the party (also when he was in full time daycare I did the same- generally would bring in at least 2 different snacks - enough of course for all the kids). Since he has been in VPK every party day I have brought in all the snacks, and have seen all the stuff laid out that the other parent's have brought in. Counters full of stuff.
It seemed like the last parties when I have picked up my son (I paid for him to stay until 2) he has told me that he didn't have the party. Which I thought was odd but ended up forgetting about.
The other day was the Vday party. My son stayed home with me on Monday and when I called and talked to the director/teacher she said oh but he is coming tomorrow for the party right? I said of course. Now my son has been staying at school until 2 or 3 every day for months now. So she knows what time he goes home.
So when I picked him up on Monday it was still dark in the classroom. Which means naptime. I could swear that when I pick him up at 1 it is dark in there (naptime) and when I pick him up at 2 (again naptime). These are 4 and 5 year olds. You mean to tell me they have naptime for at least 3 hours? Seems extreme to me. They follow a schedule so it would be the same time each day.
We get out to the car, I ask how was your party? He says we didn't have one. Then as we are driving it dawns on me that on the sign up sheet for the party it said everyone will get pizza. Which I had forgot all about. I asked him did you have pizza? He says no. Now, because of all the snacks, food and pizza listed on the sign up sheet (not too mention there when I dropped him off) what if I did not pack him a lunch? I mean in all reality why would a parent pack a lunch when they are told they will be having pizza (school bought) and all the snacks that all the parents were bringing in (for 20 students)???
I picked him up at 3pm. Lunch I am guessing is at 11 or noon each day. Wouldn't it make sense to have the party at lunch time when all the kids are there? And not when out of 20 kids only maybe 7 are there?? Why have all the parents bring in stuff if all the kids will not be able to participate in the party? Why not on the sign up sheet list what time the party is so the parents can decide whether or not to bring stuff in?
So I told him to today ask if they are going to have the party and pizza today since they did not have it yesterday. So when I pick him up today he tells me that oh they said I should have stayed yesterday.
Again, most kids leave before noon or around 2 or 3 so shouldn't the party be for all the kids especially since they are all bringing in items for the party? Or at the very least have the time listed on the sign up sheet for when the party will begin???
I would say something to his school about it but I have yelled at them countless times and I just can't get myself that worked up because it is to the point where I will blow up. I looked into so many schools and sadly this was the best I could find. He is only there until either the end of May or beginning of June so I don't want to once again try and find a different school.
So most of the parents brought in stuff that their own child didn't even get to eat. I mean you should have seen how much food there was. There was no spot left on any of the counters. And they used to have parties earlier because my son has been going there since he was 1 years old. So this was done on purpose - as in I don't want to pay for all these kids to have pizza and I don't want to deal with them eating and maybe getting hyper. Seriously, there aren't that many holiday parties a year so just deal with it or get out of the business. They also used to not be still sleeping at 3pm. It is beyond lovely outside (70's) and they never go outside unless it is very early in the morning or very late. Before I swear he would be outside the majority of the day in 90 degree weather. Or when it was really cold or partially rainy.
I wish I could change schools but again I have looked into every single school that is somewhat near me and I had massive issues with each of them. Schools here are horrible.
Don't get me wrong I trust the teachers at his school and feel that he is safe there. The other schools I looked in I could not say that about. I just don't agree with a lot of the things at his school which I am sure if the other parent's there paid more attention they wouldn't either. But again the choices are slim. And there is no way I would have him in a home daycare even a licensed one. The licensing board here does not do a good job.
Again I would not be upset if: there was a time listed of the party (parents were aware that hey, your child will probably not get to participate), if she did not make such a big deal about your child being at school that day, if she did not make such a big deal about making sure you bring something for the party.
I just think is is really wrong to get all the kids excited about a party and then have the party when 90% of the kids are not there.
I just wanted to explain all of that first before getting into what I am irked about.
My son does the 15 hours and then I sometimes but not always pay for extra hours. Trying to not spend any unnecessary money since we are living off student loans (I went back to college because of the crappy job market here).
His class consists of 20 kids and about 85% to 90% of them are VPK. VPK hours are from 8:30 to 11:30am. At least half of the kids leave at 11:30am every day in his class.
Every holiday there is a sign up sheet for parents to bring in snacks/food for the party. There is no time (when the party starts just the date/day of the party) listed on the sign up sheet and again the majority of the kids leave early. School closes at 6pm but she wants most kids gone way before that. The sign up sheet lists that there are 20 kids (so make sure that there is enough food/snacks for 20 said kids).
Since my son has been in VPK anytime there is a party I always buy various items for the party (also when he was in full time daycare I did the same- generally would bring in at least 2 different snacks - enough of course for all the kids). Since he has been in VPK every party day I have brought in all the snacks, and have seen all the stuff laid out that the other parent's have brought in. Counters full of stuff.
It seemed like the last parties when I have picked up my son (I paid for him to stay until 2) he has told me that he didn't have the party. Which I thought was odd but ended up forgetting about.
The other day was the Vday party. My son stayed home with me on Monday and when I called and talked to the director/teacher she said oh but he is coming tomorrow for the party right? I said of course. Now my son has been staying at school until 2 or 3 every day for months now. So she knows what time he goes home.
So when I picked him up on Monday it was still dark in the classroom. Which means naptime. I could swear that when I pick him up at 1 it is dark in there (naptime) and when I pick him up at 2 (again naptime). These are 4 and 5 year olds. You mean to tell me they have naptime for at least 3 hours? Seems extreme to me. They follow a schedule so it would be the same time each day.
We get out to the car, I ask how was your party? He says we didn't have one. Then as we are driving it dawns on me that on the sign up sheet for the party it said everyone will get pizza. Which I had forgot all about. I asked him did you have pizza? He says no. Now, because of all the snacks, food and pizza listed on the sign up sheet (not too mention there when I dropped him off) what if I did not pack him a lunch? I mean in all reality why would a parent pack a lunch when they are told they will be having pizza (school bought) and all the snacks that all the parents were bringing in (for 20 students)???
I picked him up at 3pm. Lunch I am guessing is at 11 or noon each day. Wouldn't it make sense to have the party at lunch time when all the kids are there? And not when out of 20 kids only maybe 7 are there?? Why have all the parents bring in stuff if all the kids will not be able to participate in the party? Why not on the sign up sheet list what time the party is so the parents can decide whether or not to bring stuff in?
So I told him to today ask if they are going to have the party and pizza today since they did not have it yesterday. So when I pick him up today he tells me that oh they said I should have stayed yesterday.
Again, most kids leave before noon or around 2 or 3 so shouldn't the party be for all the kids especially since they are all bringing in items for the party? Or at the very least have the time listed on the sign up sheet for when the party will begin???
I would say something to his school about it but I have yelled at them countless times and I just can't get myself that worked up because it is to the point where I will blow up. I looked into so many schools and sadly this was the best I could find. He is only there until either the end of May or beginning of June so I don't want to once again try and find a different school.
So most of the parents brought in stuff that their own child didn't even get to eat. I mean you should have seen how much food there was. There was no spot left on any of the counters. And they used to have parties earlier because my son has been going there since he was 1 years old. So this was done on purpose - as in I don't want to pay for all these kids to have pizza and I don't want to deal with them eating and maybe getting hyper. Seriously, there aren't that many holiday parties a year so just deal with it or get out of the business. They also used to not be still sleeping at 3pm. It is beyond lovely outside (70's) and they never go outside unless it is very early in the morning or very late. Before I swear he would be outside the majority of the day in 90 degree weather. Or when it was really cold or partially rainy.
I wish I could change schools but again I have looked into every single school that is somewhat near me and I had massive issues with each of them. Schools here are horrible.
Don't get me wrong I trust the teachers at his school and feel that he is safe there. The other schools I looked in I could not say that about. I just don't agree with a lot of the things at his school which I am sure if the other parent's there paid more attention they wouldn't either. But again the choices are slim. And there is no way I would have him in a home daycare even a licensed one. The licensing board here does not do a good job.
Again I would not be upset if: there was a time listed of the party (parents were aware that hey, your child will probably not get to participate), if she did not make such a big deal about your child being at school that day, if she did not make such a big deal about making sure you bring something for the party.
I just think is is really wrong to get all the kids excited about a party and then have the party when 90% of the kids are not there.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Some free recipes for you.
Can you believe I have not had Girl Scout cookies in years? Quite sad. I might have to try some of these recipes.






*** It's always best to use a different email address just for freebies and not to use your main email address. You can create a new email address for free (yahoo, hotmail etc.) just for the purpose of signing up for freebies, contests etc.
*** It's always best to use a different email address just for freebies and not to use your main email address. You can create a new email address for free (yahoo, hotmail etc.) just for the purpose of signing up for freebies, contests etc.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Ebates has online rebates and coupons for over 1,200 stores! This is one of those stores that you go through their link to whatever shopping site you choose and then you get cash back on your purchase. They also have coupon codes available on their site to help you spend less. They also offer specials where they double the cash back for certain stores.
They are free to join and they generally have a sign up bonus of $5 to $10 when you sign up. Go here for details.
They are free to join and they generally have a sign up bonus of $5 to $10 when you sign up. Go here for details.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Gift Card Rescue
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Years!
I just wanted to say Happy New Years to anyone who stumbles across this blog or to any readers. Thanks for reading my blog. I really appreciate it. Also if you could click on any links on my blog it would be great every penny helps!!
I hope that this new year proves to better than last. Mine (last year) started with getting laid off which is not a good way to start a new year that's for sure. This year has started not too well either but it is only the beginning of this new year. I am really hoping things improve ten fold because we desperately need it. The various bad news I received in the month of December was more than enough to last a lifetime. So I am really hoping that is the end of the bad news and hoping lots of good news is headed our way.
The best parts of 2011? Here is a list (I won't bother with the worst things because there is just way too many (yes it was THAT bad lol).:
I finally received my HS diploma (with Honors no less)
I scored quite high on my college placement test
I scored so high that that I received a letter from the Honors department about taking some honors classes (unfortunately, these classes were not available online nor close to me so I could not take them)
I started college
On my two finals I received a B and an A
In both classes I ended with a B (though sadly, this was not good enough - long story, which boils down to I am unable to receive any student loans nor grants this next semester - which really sucks to say the least - this is how I am paying for our living expenses so now I have no clue what to do)
I bought my son a pdog (though she can be a massive little pest like she is being right this moment) :P
My son had no massive illnesses to speak of (always a good thing)
I won some various things from contests (now if only I could win some money or a car!)
What were your 2011's higlights?
I hope that this new year proves to better than last. Mine (last year) started with getting laid off which is not a good way to start a new year that's for sure. This year has started not too well either but it is only the beginning of this new year. I am really hoping things improve ten fold because we desperately need it. The various bad news I received in the month of December was more than enough to last a lifetime. So I am really hoping that is the end of the bad news and hoping lots of good news is headed our way.
The best parts of 2011? Here is a list (I won't bother with the worst things because there is just way too many (yes it was THAT bad lol).:
I finally received my HS diploma (with Honors no less)
I scored quite high on my college placement test
I scored so high that that I received a letter from the Honors department about taking some honors classes (unfortunately, these classes were not available online nor close to me so I could not take them)
I started college
On my two finals I received a B and an A
In both classes I ended with a B (though sadly, this was not good enough - long story, which boils down to I am unable to receive any student loans nor grants this next semester - which really sucks to say the least - this is how I am paying for our living expenses so now I have no clue what to do)
I bought my son a pdog (though she can be a massive little pest like she is being right this moment) :P
My son had no massive illnesses to speak of (always a good thing)
I won some various things from contests (now if only I could win some money or a car!)
What were your 2011's higlights?
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