2 Glade Sense & Sprays @ $6 ea = $12 minus (2) $4 off coupons = $4
2 Kleenex @ .99 cents ea = $1.98
Cover Girl Foundation $13.00
Cover Girl Blush $10
Total before coupons = $36.98
Coupons (including above):
$4 off Glade (this is why I did not use the ones on the boxes)
$4 off Glade
$10 off Cover Girl (buy foundation get face product free)
$5 off $30 CVS coupon
$6.99 ECBs
$3.50 ECBs
Total after coupons and taxes = $5.84
Extra Care Bucks I received = $14.00 ($10 Cover Girl + $4 Glade)
The women scanned my tag on my bag prior to scanning any items she muttered to herself on it's not ours. Then she told me I could not use the Cover Girl coupon because it was not pictured on the coupon. I said that it doesn't specify which ones it just says Cover Girl foundation so she called the manager. He looked at it and just kind of gave a look like why did you bother me and said that it was fine since it did not specify which kinds. Then she goes on to tell the other 2 cashiers how CVS is getting smarter about coupon fraud yadda yadda (basically implying that I was committing it - with a huge amount of customers behind me no less) and how now the register makes the cashier check to see you have the correct item when using a coupon. Funny, how the manager himself had no problem with the coupon but she did.
So then I ask her if she scanned my tag and she said she already did. I figure she must of when I was not looking. After I get to my car I see no, she did not. It still only has two scans and this should have been my third. Grrr.
Wasn't too happy that she made such a big deal about my coupon. I was using them correctly and it wasn't like I got my entire order for free or anything. Do they not understand that the manufacturer reimburses the store??? Also she is just a cashier so why would she care? She is probably only making min. wage or somewhere close to it so why would she even bother caring? It isn't like it is coming out of her pocket.
Pics later when batteries charge.
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