6 Scotch Packing Tapes (use online coupons from here (these have been pulled) + in ad coupon)
2 Stayfree Pads (use $2 off coupons Sunday insert )
2 Plackers Flossers (use coupons from 04/25 )
2 Wags Pantyliners (in ad coupon) not in picture
1 Personal Hair Trimmer
1 Skintimate
4 Wags Tin Foils (in ad coupon)
1 Tone Body Wash
1 Smooth Away (use $1.50 off coupon from Sunday insert)
1 Strap Perfect (use $1.50 off coupon from Sunday insert)
Transaction #1
1 Stayfree $2.99 use $2 off coupon = .99 cents receive $3RR
3 Scotch Packing Tapes .99 cents ea use (3) $1 off coupon = free
1 Plackers Flosser $2 use .50 cents off coupon = $1.50 receive $2RR
Total = 7.99 minus coupons = $2.49
Receive $3RR + $2RR = $5RR
Transaction #2
1 Hair Trimmer $4.99 receive $5RR
1 Tin Foil .59 cents
Total = $5.58
Use $3RR + $2RR from above
New Total = .58 cents
Receive $5RR
Transaction #3
1 Stayfree $2.99 minus $2 off coupon = .99 cents receive $3RR
1 Plackers Flosser $2 minus .50 cents coupon = $1.50 receive $2RR
1 Skintimate $2.99 receive $3RR
1 Tin Foil .59 cents
Total = $8.57 minus coupons = $6.07
Use $5RR from above = $1.07
Receive $3RR + $2RR + $3RR = $8RR
Transaction #4
1 Tone $3.99
Total = $3.99
Use $2RR from above = $1.99
Receive $3RR
Transaction #5
3 Scotch Packing Tapes .99 cents ea use (3) $1 off coupon = free
1 Smooth Away $9.99 use $1.50 off coupon = $8.49
1 Strap Perfect BOGO with above = free but still use $1.50 off coupon = + $1.50
2 Tin Foils $1.18
2 Panty Liners $1
Total = $25.13 minus coupons and bogo item = $9.14
Use $3RR + $3RR + $3RR from above = .14 cents
Receive No RRs.
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