The ingredients: chocolate cake mix, eggs, oil, coconut milk. Subsitute the coconut milk for the water that the package of cake says to add. Use however much oil and eggs the cake mix calls for. I think if you added either coconut flavoring or actual shredded coconut it will taste more coconutty.
Here it is in the crockpot exciting huh? lol
I was scared it wasn't cooking the whole way and decided to break it up to help it cook. I then realized I did not need to do this. If I would have just waited probably a couple more minutes or maybe even 15 minutes it would have cooked up just fine. I was really scared the sides were going to burn (they didn't).
Taste test - it was moist and yummy. Even better with ice cream. I will say I could not for the life of me taste the coconut though. :( Next time I will add some shredded coconut or some coconut flavoring (trying to find some real flavoring and not the fake kind - we will see).
I have some more cans of coconut milk and I think I will try it with a regular yellow cake mix next time.
Sorry I didn't take any presentation photos of the finished cake.
I will definitely make cake in the crockpot again.
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