4 Natural Instincts Hair Dyes @ $5.99 ea used 4 - $4 off coupons = $1.99 ea
3 Dawn Dish Detergents @ 99 cents ea used 3 - .25 cents off coupons = .74 cents ea
1 CoverGirl Lash Blast Mascara $8.49 because of above purchases which totalled over $25 before coupons mascara was free
2 Soft Soaps NutriSerums $4.99 with $8 (total) ecb back (ad limit is 1 but it is actually 5 -today is last day)
1 Sharpie Highlighter 4pk .99 cents
2 Stickynotes 2pks @ .99 cents ea with $1.98 ecb back (total)
Total before taxes and coupons = $48.37
coupons including above:
4 - $4 off Natural Instincts
3 - .25 cents off Dawn
$4 off $20 from pharmacy book
$9.99 ecb
$2.00 ecb
$8.49 free mascara from pg deal
Total after coupons and taxes = $9.66
Ecbs I received= $9.98!
Also received a $2 off PullUps which will be good for next week.
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