Friday, July 29, 2011


So a lot has been going on for me lately. Hence the reason there really hasn't been too many posts. I had a death in the family which I am still trying to push in the back of my mind so I don't have to deal with it just yet. I also have been getting things squared away for school. I should be starting school in August as long as nothing goes wrong prior (knock on wood). Some other things have been going on that is not at all good so I am trying to remain hopeful.

I have gotten a lot of things accomplished in the past few months and even if no one else is I am very proud of myself. Everything I have been doing and am doing I am doing for my son. If you have been following you know that my family is well not the most caring nor considerate to say the least. So at times it can get very difficult.

As I type I have a spanokopita in the oven. I have never attempted to make one before so hopefully it turns out yummy. I love spanokopita so much and so does my son. I made a huge pan full (no triangles for me). I didn't really go by a recipe (I rarely do) and just got ideas from various recipes I found online.

Depending on how things go in the next couple of months I hope to have more posts up each week. I have a lot of ideas brewing around in my head so it should be good.

I haven't been going shopping much (due to lack of funds) and the best part? It hasn't really effected us since we have been stocked up from previous sales.

Now I just have to stock up on the following:
Pur faucet refills
vacuum bags
cotton balls
rubbing alcohol
filters for my air purifier
filters for my dehumidifier
filters for my window unit ac

The timer just went off. Wholly molly! It is SOOOOOO GOOD!!! I will take some pictures of it and post later and give somewhat directions and kind of a recipe. lol

It seriously tastes like this one I like at a certain Greek restaurant.

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