Sunday, July 19, 2009

Potty Training

Wow, I just read on some forum a whole bunch of people's opinions on when a child should be potty trained by. Talk about a lot of people bashing people!

How I see it is really depends on a lot of factors. I am going by what I have read in baby books and by what my son's pediatrician said. I am also going by what I feel is right for my son.

I personally do not have a washer and dryer at my home so certain approaches do not work for me (I can't afford to have to go to the laundry mat every day nor do I have the time). Not too mention I also work so some other approaches do not work for me since I am not home with him all day (putting him on the potty every 20 minutes is not doable for me). I am sure it was much easier back in the days when the mother stayed home with the children and the father was the one that provided for the family. Nowadays households are so different some have 2 parents, some have one, some have 2 parents that work, some have 1 parent who works etc. I personally believe that people should potty train the way they feel is best for them and their children and not worry about what others think. As long as you are not harming your child or anyone else's it should not matter to anyone how you potty train.

With that being said I will gladly take any advice handed to me on the whole potty training thing. But do keep in mind : I work full time, I am a single parent, I do not have a washer nor dryer in my home.

Feel free to tell me your success stories or horror stories about potty training too!!

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